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How It Works
Begin by reviewing our guide to What We Accept. Once you confirm your item is applicable, submit the Sell With Us form. Our team will review your submission and approve or decline your piece within one to two business days.

We will coordinate a convenient date to pick up your furniture free of charge. Rescheduling is available up to two business days before the original pickup time. Items may be rejected at the time of pick up if we find they do not accurately fit your submission details. We require a credit card on file to account for costs incurred in the event of misrepresented furniture and no show pick up appointments.

Weather your item is rented, sold, or both, you will earn cash. The percent commission paid to you is determined by the final sale and/or rental price of your piece and the category type of furniture. Payments come directly to your bank account within 30 days of the item's return period ending. For futher details on our process, please visit Seller FAQs.